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Continue to Honour the Victims and Survivors of Residential, Day and Boarding Schools with the Royal Canadian Mint’s Truth and Reconciliation Keepsake

  • Sep 26, 2023
  • News
  • Ottawa

As National Truth and Reconciliation Day approaches, the Royal Canadian Mint is reminding people living across Canada that the Truth and Reconciliation Keepsake, a wearable acknowledgement of the truths behind the residential school experience on First Nations, Inuit and Métis children and their families, remains available for purchase until December 2024.


As National Truth and Reconciliation Day approaches, the Royal Canadian Mint is reminding people living across Canada that the Truth and Reconciliation Keepsake, a wearable acknowledgement of the truths behind the residential school experience on First Nations, Inuit and Métis children and their families, remains available for purchase until December 2024.