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Reporting Our Impact
Mint featured in MDA’s ESG Reporting Forum webinar

  • May 06, 2024
  • Governance
  • ESG Updates

The Royal Canadian Mint's Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Commitment and Action Plan took to the international stage at the Mint Directors' Association sustainability webinar held March 13.

Chief Impact Officer Michelle Richardson presented our ESG reporting strategy to a global delegation of mints, mining companies, and company partners in a session entitled Reporting our Impact, Communicating our ESG Commitment in an evolving landscape.


The Royal Canadian Mint's Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Commitment and Action Plan took to the international stage at the Mint Directors' Association sustainability webinar held March 13.

Chief Impact Officer Michelle Richardson presented our ESG reporting strategy to a global delegation of mints, mining companies, and company partners in a session entitled Reporting our Impact, Communicating our ESG Commitment in an evolving landscape.