Info Source
Info Source
General Information
Info Source describes the programs and activities, and the information holdings related to programs and activities, of government institutions subject to the Access to Information Act to facilitate the right of access. It also provides individuals, including current and former employees of the Government of Canada, with relevant information to access personal information about themselves held by government institutions subject to the Privacy Act and to exercise their rights under the Privacy Act.
An index of institutions that are subject to the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act is available centrally.
The Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act assign overall responsibility to the President of Treasury Board (as the designated Minister) for the government-wide administration of the legislation.
The Royal Canadian Mint (the Mint) was originally established in 1908 as a branch of the Royal Mint of London, England. On December 1, 1931, an Act of Parliament established the Royal Canadian Mint as a branch of the Department of Finance. On April 1, 1969, with the passage of the Royal Canadian Mint Act, the Mint became a Crown Corporation and reports to Parliament through the Minister of Finance.
The Mint is a commercial enterprise whose business ventures extend throughout the world. The Mint is classified as a Schedule III-Part II Crown corporation under the Financial Administration Act, the category reserved for organizations which conduct commercial operations and are self-sufficient. On December 15, 2016, Bill C-29, Budget Implementation Act 2016, no. 2, A Second Act to implement certain provisions of the budget tabled in Parliament on March 22, 2016 and other measures, received Royal assent. In particular, this Act amends the Royal Canadian Mint Act to clarify the Corporation's powers, and to enable the corporation to anticipate profit with respect to the provision of all goods or services.
The Mint owns two facilities. The Ottawa facility houses the corporate head office, the gold and silver refineries and production facilities for non-circulation coins and medals. The Winnipeg Plant, which includes a plating facility, produces all of Canada's circulation coins as well as circulation coins for numerous foreign countries.
The Mint is an ISO 9001:2015 certified company, a standard which specifies requirements for a quality management system where an organization:
- needs to demonstrate its ability to consistently provide product that meets customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements, and
- aims to enhance customer satisfaction through the effective application of the system, including processes for continual improvement of the system and the assurance of conformity to customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements.
The Mint’s Winnipeg and Ottawa plants are ISO 14001:2015 certified, a standard which seeks to achieve intended outcomes of an environmental management system including:
- enhancement of environmental performance;
- fulfilment of compliance obligations; and
- achievement of environmental objectives.
As part of its business development initiative, the Mint set up a wholly owned subsidiary, RCMH-MRCF Inc., which was incorporated under the Canada Business Corporations Act in June 2002. RCMH-MRCF Inc. was formed to help the Mint improve efficiency, manage the cost of products and increase profitability. RCMH-MRCF Inc. has been operationally inactive since December 31, 2008 and does not employ staff. Its officers and directors are employees of the Mint and its reporting requirements are met by this Info Source page.
The Mint is a world-class provider of branded investment, collectible and circulation coin products and services that connect people and inspire celebration. The Mint's primary purpose is to mint coins in anticipation of profit and carry out other related activities. The Mint manages Canada’s circulation coin ecosystem, redistributing and recycling coins and supplementing the national pool by producing and delivering new, secure, high-quality and cost-effective coins in support of trade and commerce in Canada. It also enables the competitiveness of Canada’s mining sector through its precious metals business and offers an integrated range of precious metals storage, manufacturing and security services to financial institutions.
To learn more, read about the Mint’s Categories of Products and Our Services. The Mint also publishes many reports and assessments each year and makes these available to the public. To learn more, refer to our Reports. For an overview of the Mint’s objectives and major policies, please consult the Summary of the Corporate Plan 2023-2027, which outlines the long-term strategic vision of “One Mint” with two areas of focus: circulation coinage and precious metals.
Institutional Functions, Programs and Activities
In 2020, and in line with its long-term strategic vision, the Mint realigned itself as “One Mint” by unifying its historically siloed business lines and operations into two overarching business functions: Circulation and Precious Metals.
The Mint’s Circulation and Precious Metals business functions are underpinned by the Mint’s people strategy and environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) commitments, and they are supported by the core corporate administrative services listed under “Royal Canadian Mint – Enabling Activities” and “Internal Services”.
As part of its responsibility to produce and distribute secure, high-quality and cost-effective coins for use in Canadian trade and commerce, the Mint ensures the country has an adequate supply of coins in appropriate denominations and advises the Government of Canada on all matters related to coinage. The Mint also operates a Commemorative Coin Program on behalf of the Government of Canada to celebrate the country’s history, diversity, culture and values—working in collaboration with a number of federal government and community organizations. As a source of revenue and value for Canada, and to maintain advanced domestic coin-production capabilities, the Mint manufactures circulation coins, blanks, medals, medallions and tokens for other countries.
Canadian Circulation
Canadian Circulation involves activities related to the efficient management of the coin system in support of the Mint’s focus to ensure the availability of coins for Canadians across the country as needed.
Coin Recycling and Alloy Recovery Class of Record
Description: Includes records related to the retrieval, processing, shipment and sale of alloy coins obtained through the Mint's alloy recovery program which involves the removal of older-composition Canadian coins from circulation and replacement by multi-ply plated steel coins, which are more durable and secure.
Document Types: Coin processing, shipping and inventory status reports, inventory transfer transactions, forecasts, supplier contracts, bills of lading, invoices, and financial statements.
Disclosure Summaries: No personal information disclosed to third parties via contracts, information sharing agreements, and information sharing arrangements.
Record Number: RCM 2800
Coin Composition and Design Class of Record
Description: Includes records related to changes in metal content and design of circulation and non-circulation coins.
Document Types: Technical reports, coin specifications, market research reports, surveys, design concepts and drawings (including art boards), governor in council and ministerial approvals, stakeholder consultation records, and presentations.
Disclosure Summaries: No personal information disclosed to third parties via contracts, information sharing agreements, and information sharing arrangements.
Record Number: RCM 2650
Coin Distribution Management Class of Record
Description: Includes records related to the issuance of newly produced Canadian circulation coins, the management of the distribution and circulation of coins across Canada to meet trade and commerce requirements, and records relating to the National Coin Committee.
Document Types: Coin requirement fulfillment and distribution transactions, meeting minutes, contracts, invoices, armoured carrier audit reports, presentations, and storage/shipment transaction reports.
Disclosure Summaries: No personal information disclosed to third parties via contracts, information sharing agreements, and information sharing arrangements.
Record Number: RCM 2675
Coin Production Processes Class of Record
Description: Includes records related to the issuance of circulation and non-circulation coins (cutting and weighing of the blanks; melting, rolling, blanking, rimming, annealing, striking, and plating).
Document Types: Presentations, research reports, variance reports, inventory reports, quality reports, punch and matrix reports, ISO standards and work instructions, quoting standards, training matrix, production logs, and approvals of release of tooling.
Disclosure Summaries: No personal information disclosed to third parties via contracts, information sharing agreements, and information sharing arrangements.
Record Number: RCM 2600
Design Engraving Class of Record
Description: Includes records related to methods and procedures used in the inscription or ornamentation of prints or designs upon hard surfaces to produce models, master matrices and master punches which are used to produce production dies for striking of coins, medals, etc.
Document Types: Artwork and photos.
Disclosure Summaries: No personal information disclosed to third parties via contracts, information sharing agreements, and information sharing arrangements.
Record Number: RCM 4800
Engineering and Technical Services Class of Record
Description: Includes records related to the implementation of a unique blend of applied science and creativity to improve the Mint’s manufacturing processes and develop new technology for new products and processes, while using forethought, controls and safeguards to protect people. Includes information on the design, construction and maintenance of machines and equipment, utilities, and the manufacture of dies and tooling used in the minting processes.
Document Types: Packaging and shipping instructions, encapsulation instructions, work instructions, process control plans and specifications, work orders, engineering reports, health and safety documents (noise surveys, Environmental, Social and Health Impact Assessments [ESHIA], job hazard analyses), material data safety sheets, business cases, root cause analyses, drawings, floor plans, equipment layouts, coin studies, material and packaging, material specifications, engineering trial documents, approval forms, coin and coin technology images, frosting instructions, coin characteristic sheets, quotes/costing documentation, coin/blank/plating calculation sheets, efficiency calculation sheets, bill of materials, measurement data and analysis reports, inspection reports, quality system reports, engineering change notices, engineering deviation authorizations, interim product authorizations, project plans, engraving specifications, engineering request documents, time studies, as well as patent applications, research proposals, research collaboration contracts and agreements, and research fund applications.
Disclosure Summaries: No personal information disclosed to third parties via contracts, information sharing agreements, and information sharing arrangements.
Record Number: RCM 1500
Handling of Unfit, Worn and Mutilated Coins Class of Record
Description: Includes records related to worn, retired, fused, and/or mutilated coins received from financial institutions, armoured car companies, businesses and/or the public.
Document Types: Reports, letters, inventory locations, shipment information, and redemption quantities.
Disclosure Summaries: No personal information disclosed to third parties via contracts, information sharing agreements, and information sharing arrangements.
Record Number: RCM 2500
Monitoring Class of Record
Description: Includes records related to the monitoring of quality, demand, and inventories of coins.
Document Types: Demand forecasts, coin inventories, and circulation trials.
Disclosure Summaries: No personal information disclosed to third parties via contracts, information sharing agreements, and information sharing arrangements.
Record Number: RCM 2675-01
Quality Assurance Class of Record
Description: Includes records related to quality standards of Mint products, and metals stress testing for quality of production supplies and materials.
Document Types: System manual, system procedures, training documents, work instructions, corrective and preventive action reports, and quality internal audit reports.
Disclosure Summaries: No personal information disclosed to third parties via contracts, information sharing agreements, and information sharing arrangements.
Record Number: RCM 212
Foreign Circulation
Foreign Circulation involves activities related to the manufacturing of circulation coins, blanks, medals, medallions and tokens for other countries as a source of revenue and value for Canada, to maintain strong, sovereign coin producing capacity and capabilities.
Design Engraving Class of Record
Description: Includes records related to methods and procedures used in the inscription or ornamentation of prints or designs upon hard surfaces to produce models, master matrices and master punches which are used to produce production dies for striking of coins, medals, etc.
Document Types: Artwork and photos.
Disclosure Summaries: No personal information disclosed to third parties via contracts, information sharing agreements, and information sharing arrangements.
Record Number: RCM 4800
Engineering and Technical Services Class of Record
Description: Includes records related to the implementation of a unique blend of applied science and creativity to improve the Mint’s manufacturing processes and develop new technology for new products and processes, while using forethought, controls and safeguards to protect people. Includes information on the design, construction and maintenance of machines and equipment, utilities, and the manufacture of dies and tooling used in the minting processes.
Document Types: Packaging and shipping instructions, encapsulation instructions, work instructions, process control plans and specifications, work orders, engineering reports, health and safety documents (noise surveys, Environmental, Social and Health Impact Assessments [ESHIA], job hazard analyses), material data safety sheets, business cases, root cause analyses, drawings, floor plans, equipment layouts, coin studies, material and packaging, material specifications, engineering trial documents, approval forms, coin and coin technology images, frosting instructions, coin characteristic sheets, quotes/costing documentation, coin/blank/plating calculation sheets, efficiency calculation sheets, bill of materials, measurement data and analysis reports, inspection reports, quality system reports, engineering change notices, engineering deviation authorizations, interim product authorizations, project plans, engraving specifications, engineering request documents, time studies, as well as patent applications, research proposals, research collaboration contracts and agreements, and research fund applications.
Disclosure Summaries: No personal information disclosed to third parties via contracts, information sharing agreements, and information sharing arrangements.
Record Number: RCM 1500
Foreign Sales Class of Record
Description: Includes records related to the bidding process and fulfillment of contracts with foreign countries for the manufacture of their domestic coins, numismatic products and consulting services. Includes information reflecting the awarded contract on quantity of product purchased, description of product, delivery deadlines, timelines, customer number and customer information details. Bid, performance and warranty bonds hold information relating to the financial value of the bond, who it is made payable to, the validity period and reference to the contract number. Letters of credit contain information relating to the contract quantity, detailed document listing for compliance, delivery deadlines, late delivery penalties and financial institution details (name, address, etc.).
Document Types: Production orders, contracts, quotes, letters of offer, sales orders, bidding documents, trade finance instruments, and shipping documents.
Disclosure Summaries:No personal information disclosed to third parties via contracts, information sharing agreements, and information sharing arrangements.
Record Number: RCM 3100
Quality Assurance Class of Record
Description: Includes records related to quality standards of Mint products, and metals stress testing for quality of production supplies and materials.
Document Types: System manual, system procedures, training documents, work instructions, corrective and preventive action reports, and quality internal audit reports.
Disclosure Summaries: No personal information disclosed to third parties via contracts, information sharing agreements, and information sharing arrangements.
Record Number: RCM 212
The Mint’s precious metals business focuses on bullion products and services including the refining and secure storage of precious metals and the production of investment-type products such as silver, gold, palladium and platinum bullion coins and bars. Related supporting services include assaying (assessing the content of materials) and the issuance of gold and silver exchange-traded receipts (ETRs) under the Mint’s Canadian Gold Reserves Program and the Mint’s Canadian Silver Reserves Program respectively. Gold and silver ETRs are exchange-traded investments traded on the Toronto Stock Exchange evidencing the investors’ direct legal and beneficial ownership of physical gold and physical silver bullion, as applicable.
The precious petals business also includes the production and sale of high-quality, limited mintage collectable numismatic coins for Canadian and international consumers, and the manufacture of commemorative and celebratory medals to honour Canadian achievements.
Numismatics focuses on the domestic and international sales and distribution of the Mint's high-quality numismatic products, collectibles and medals through the Mint’s authorized dealers, boutiques, website and mobile app, events, Customer Solutions Centre and Outbound Sales. The Mint’s numismatic offerings focus on the celebration of Canada and Canadians’ values.
Design Engraving Class of Record
Description: Includes records related to methods and procedures used in the inscription or ornamentation of prints or designs upon hard surfaces to produce models, master matrices and master punches which are later used in the striking of coins, medals, etc.
Document Types: Artwork and photos.
Disclosure Summaries: No personal information disclosed to third parties via contracts, information sharing agreements, and information sharing arrangements.
Record Number: RCM 4800
E-Commerce and Direct Sales Class of Record
Description: Includes records related to the order processing, shipment and sale of the products obtained through the boutiques, website and mobile app, Customer Solution Centre, and, Outbound Sales which includes the provisioning of coin expert advice to individual customers on building their coin collection and assisting with orders.
Document Types: Inventory list, sales records, order history, invoices, correspondence, mailing lists, website information, policies, procedures, planning documents, and statistics.
Disclosure Summaries: Under development.
Record Number: RCM 4500
Retail Purchase & Order Fulfillment Processing Personal Information Bank
Description: This bank describes personal information used in relation to retail purchases and the order fulfillment process. Personal information collected may include: customer name and customer number, contact information, order details (product and quantity), financial and payment information (amount, method and credit card details) and shipping information.
Note: This bank is formerly titled "Customer Service Centre Computerized Mail Master". Individuals are required to provide one or more of the following identifiers in order to access this bank: customer name, customer number, email address or phone number. Providing date of purchase, invoice number and a list of the products purchased is optional.
Class of Individuals: Individuals who purchase products from the Royal Canadian Mint.
Purpose: Personal information is used to process purchases, exchanges and/or returns made electronically via www.mint.ca, the Mint App, in the Boutique, via the Call Centre, or through point of sale (POS) at events. Personal information is collected pursuant to paragraph 3(2) of the Royal Canadian Mint Act.
Consistent Uses: Information may be used to create direct mail numismatic campaign lists (with the consent of the individual) for subsequent advertising and product news to individuals. It may also be used to answer follow-up enquiries from customers concerning their order(s), process product returns or exchanges, or to resolve customer complaints. In order to provide the required support services for retail purchases and order fulfillment, information may be shared with contracted third parties. Internally, information may be shared with Accounts Payable - PSU 931 and Accounts Receivable - PSU 932. Information may also be used or disclosed for statistical and reporting purposes and to measure channel effectiveness.
Retention and Disposal Standards: For information about the length of time records of the activities and information identified above are maintained by the Mint, including their final disposition, please contact the Mint.
RDA Number: 2000/027
Related Record Number: RCM 4500
TBS Registration: 003365
Bank Number: RCM PPU 015
E-commerce Marketing Activities Class of Record
Description: Includes records related to all e-commerce and customer marketing and loyalty program activities at the Mint to increase revenues by conducting customer and market research to develop business intelligence, anticipate and respond to customers' needs, and identify and target new customers. This may include the development, release, and promotion of new services, products, marketing communications and/or loyalty benefits to specific market and customer segments.
Document Types: Market research and analyses (new product development and administration, leveraging existing markets and/or identifying new markets), marketing communications including email, direct mail campaigns, promotion and/or contest administration, and third party contracts.
Disclosure Summaries: Under development.
Record Number: RCM 1578
Marketing, Loyalty and Commercial Planning Personal Information Bank
Description: This bank describes information related to multi-channel marketing, online advertising, web analytics and loyalty program activities for corporate sustainability, revenue generation and customer acquisition and retention. Personal information may include: name, customer number, newsletter subscription status, contact and account profile information including email and phone number, shipping and billing address, product purchase history and transaction information, loyalty member’s status (including tier level, year-to-date spend, and points balance), self-description and nickname, birth date, survey responses, correspondence language preference, IP address, web browsing behaviour, product ratings, Social Security Number (for US import purchases over $2500) and annual spend.
Class of Individuals: New and existing customers, Masters Club loyalty program members, website visitors, the general public.
Purpose: The information is used to plan for, and develop, marketing and promotional activities for existing customers and to acquire new customers, including Masters Club loyalty program members, via online targeted advertising and ongoing communication and publicity via email, website customization, mail and social media. For the Masters Club, information is used for the administration of the program and the determination and allocation of benefits. Personal information is collected under the authority of the Royal Canadian Mint Act.
Consistent Uses: Information may be disclosed to contracted third parties to execute advertising campaigns (direct mail and online) and perform web analytics (for the latter information is hashed prior to matching so as to not identify individuals). Customer information may be used and disclosed in aggregate with third parties to develop customer groups as a means of acquiring new customers with similar behavioural traits. Personal information collected via social media may be used to respond to inquiries, or for statistical, research and reporting purposes. Website user session data, recorded in cookies, collects information about use and interaction with the website to provide a customized experience. Web analytics data about web traffic and visits is used to improve our website and complete administrative tasks such as research, planning and reporting.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Personal information will be retained for six (6) years after the last administrative action and will follow the disposition standards set out by Library and Archives Canada.
RDA Number: 2000/027
Related Record Numbers: RCM 1565; RCM 1575; RCM 1576; RCM 1577; RCM 1578
TBS Registration: 20240013
Bank Number: RCM PPU 017
Masters Club Loyalty Program Class of Record
Description: Includes records related to the Mint’s administration of its Masters Club Loyalty Program, which offers customers a gratifying and valued experience and rewards them with benefits inspiring the pursuit of their ideal collection. Records may include information related to program design and implementation, design and delivery of special events and member rewards, benefits related to each tier/spend level, and program reporting/evaluation.
Document Types: Customer enrollment forms, correspondence, briefing material, operating procedures, guidelines and manuals, aggregated and statistical reports, marketing emails, program terms and conditions and FAQ, third party agreements, and business requirements documents.
Disclosure Summaries: Under development.
Record Number: RCM 1577
Marketing, Loyalty and Commercial Planning Personal Information Bank
Description: This bank describes information related to multi-channel marketing, online advertising, web analytics and loyalty program activities for corporate sustainability, revenue generation and customer acquisition and retention. Personal information may include: name, customer number, newsletter subscription status, contact and account profile information including email and phone number, shipping and billing address, product purchase history and transaction information, loyalty member’s status (including tier level, year-to-date spend, and points balance), self-description and nickname, birth date, survey responses, correspondence language preference, IP address, web browsing behaviour, product ratings, Social Security Number (for US import purchases over $2500) and annual spend.
Class of Individuals: New and existing customers, Masters Club loyalty program members, website visitors, the general public.
Purpose: The information is used to plan for, and develop, marketing and promotional activities for existing customers and to acquire new customers, including Masters Club loyalty program members, via online targeted advertising and ongoing communication and publicity via email, website customization, mail and social media. For the Masters Club, information is used for the administration of the program and the determination and allocation of benefits. Personal information is collected under the authority of the Royal Canadian Mint Act.
Consistent Uses: Information may be disclosed to contracted third parties to execute advertising campaigns (direct mail and online) and perform web analytics (for the latter information is hashed prior to matching so as to not identify individuals). Customer information may be used and disclosed in aggregate with third parties to develop customer groups as a means of acquiring new customers with similar behavioural traits. Personal information collected via social media may be used to respond to inquiries, or for statistical, research and reporting purposes. Website user session data, recorded in cookies, collects information about use and interaction with the website to provide a customized experience. Web analytics data about web traffic and visits is used to improve our website and complete administrative tasks such as research, planning and reporting.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Personal information will be retained for six (6) years after the last administrative action and will follow the disposition standards set out by Library and Archives Canada.
RDA Number: 2000/027
Related Record Numbers: RCM 1565; RCM 1575; RCM 1576; RCM 1577; RCM 1578
TBS Registration: 20240013
Bank Number: RCM PPU 017
Medals, Medallions and Tokens Class of Record
Description: Includes records related to contracts for the manufacture of medals, medallions, and tokens.
Document Types: Orders, contracts, invoices, letters, and shipping documents.
Disclosure Summaries: No personal information disclosed to third parties via contracts, information sharing agreements, and information sharing arrangements.
Record Number: RCM 3500
Metals and Alloys Research Class of Record
Description: Information on the use of metals, precious metals, and alloys in the production of Mint products, and updates on new alloys and their possible applications to Mint products.
Document Types: Research reports.
Disclosure Summaries: No personal information disclosed to third parties via contracts, information sharing agreements, and information sharing arrangements.
Record Number: RCM 1545
Quality Assurance Class of Record
Description: Includes records related to quality standards of Mint products, and metals stress testing for quality of production supplies and materials.
Document Types: System manual, system procedures, training documents, work instructions, corrective and preventive action reports, and quality internal audit reports.
Disclosure Summaries: No personal information disclosed to third parties via contracts, information sharing agreements, and information sharing arrangements.
Record Number: RCM 212
Tours Class of Record
Description: Includes records related to Mint guided tours, and reservation details.
Document Types: Reservation information and correspondence related to tours.
Disclosure Summaries: Under development.
Record Number: RCM 100
Bullion Products and Services
Bullion Products and Services involve activities related to the production and marketing of high purity gold, silver, palladium and platinum bullion coins, wafers and bars for the investment market as well as gold and silver granules for the jewelry industry and industrial applications. The Mint also operates gold and silver refineries that offer Canadian and foreign customers an integrated solution to gold and silver processing while creating a source of lower-cost precious metals for its bullion and numismatic businesses. Other related activities are the secure storage of precious metals and issuing ETRs, which allow investors to buy and sell interests in gold and silver on the Toronto Stock Exchange.
Assay Services Class of Record
Description: Includes records related to the testing of bullion, jewellery, process by-products and co-products and refined bullion to determine the quality of precious metals, and analyses of chemicals and metals therein.
Document Types: Work instructions and assay reports.
Disclosure Summaries: No personal information disclosed to third parties via contracts, information sharing agreements, and information sharing arrangements.
Record Number: RCM 2200
Allocated Storage Services Class of Record
Description: Includes records related to procedures for receiving and processing deposits for allocated storage.
Document Types: Shop orders, shipping documents, contracts, new customer applications, and bar lists.
Disclosure Summaries: Under development.
Record Number: RCM 2320
Bullion Sales Class of Record
Description: Includes records related to procedures for receiving and processing precious metal bullion transactions between the Mint and its select distributors.
Document Types: Inventory lists and shipping documents.
Disclosure Summaries: Under development.
Record Number: RCM 2000
Canadian Gold Reserves Program Class of Record
Description: Includes records related to the Canadian Gold Reserves Exchange Traded Receipts (ETRs). Canadian Gold Reserves ETRs trade on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) under the ticker symbol MNT in Canadian dollars and MNT.U in US dollars. The purchaser of gold ETRs has direct legal and beneficial ownership of the unallocated physical gold underlying the ETRs rather than being the registered holder of a unit or share in an entity that owns the gold. ETR holders are entitled to redeem their ETRs for cash or, subject to certain restrictions, for physical gold products.
Document Types: Agreements, certificates, Information Statements, Redemption Request forms.
Disclosure Summaries: Under development.
Record Number: RCM 2450
Canadian Silver Reserves Program Class of Record
Description: Includes records related to the Canadian Silver Reserves Exchange Traded Receipts (ETRs). Canadian Silver Reserves ETRs trade on the TSX under the ticker symbol MNS in Canadian dollars and MNS.U in US dollars. The purchaser of silver ETRs has direct legal and beneficial ownership of the unallocated physical silver underlying the ETRs rather than being the registered holder of a unit or share in an entity that owns the silver. ETR holders are entitled to redeem their ETRs for cash or, subject to certain restrictions, for physical silver products.
Document Types: Agreements, certificates, Information Statements, Redemption Request forms.
Disclosure Summaries: Under development.
Record Number: RCM 2480
Engineering and Technical Services Class of Record
Description: Includes records related to the implementation of a unique blend of applied science and creativity to improve the Mint’s manufacturing processes and develop new technology for new products and processes, while using forethought, controls and safeguards to protect people. Includes information on the design, construction and maintenance of machines and equipment, utilities, and the manufacture of dies and tooling used in the minting processes.
Document Types: Packaging and shipping instructions, encapsulation instructions, work instructions, process control plans and specifications, work orders, engineering reports, health and safety documents (noise surveys, Environmental, Social and Health Impact Assessments [ESHIA], job hazard analyses), material data safety sheets, business cases, root cause analyses, drawings, floor plans, equipment layouts, coin studies, material and packaging, material specifications, engineering trial documents, approval forms, coin and coin technology images, frosting instructions, coin characteristic sheets, quotes/costing documentation, coin/blank/plating calculation sheets, efficiency calculation sheets, bill of materials, measurement data and analysis reports, inspection reports, quality system reports, engineering change notices, engineering deviation authorizations, interim product authorizations, project plans, engraving specifications, engineering request documents, time studies, as well as patent applications, research proposals, research collaboration contracts and agreements, and research fund applications.
Disclosure Summaries: No personal information disclosed to third parties via contracts, information sharing agreements, and information sharing arrangements.
Record Number: RCM 1500
Quality Assurance Class of Record
Description: Includes records related to quality standards of Mint products, and metals stress testing for quality of production supplies and materials.
Document Types: System manual, system procedures, training documents, work instructions, corrective and preventive action reports, and quality internal audit reports.
Disclosure Summaries: No personal information disclosed to third parties via contracts, information sharing agreements, and information sharing arrangements.
Record Number: RCM 212
Refinery Services Class of Record
Description: Includes records related to receipt of deposits, weight, and refining of precious metal bullion, scrap jewellery, rough deposits, and accumulation and sale of by-product material.
Document Types: Shop orders, shipping documents, assay reports, final memorandums of settlement, contracts, quote letters, invoicing documentation, applications, and permits for shipment.
Disclosure Summaries:No personal information disclosed to third parties via contracts, information sharing agreements, and information sharing arrangements.
Record Number: RCM 2100
Precious Metals Storage Services, Inventory Management and Shipping Class of Record
Description: Includes records related to the Mint’s secure storage of globally recognized precious metal products in its network of secure vaults at the Mint's facilities in Ottawa and Winnipeg, inventories and control of issue of finished numismatic coins and coin sets, and assembling, packaging, and shipping of non-circulation products.
Document Types: Returns, packing slips, contracts for external storage of precious and non-precious metals, cycle counting procedures, loan policy, obsolete material, and off-sales procedures.
Disclosure Summaries: Under development.
Record Number: RCM 4700
The Mint carries out other corporate activities that support its compliance programs and diverse business.
Due Diligence Activities
As a dealer in precious metals, the Mint has legislated and policy requirements for customer identification and due diligence, record-keeping, and reporting with respect to sales, refining and storage transactions. The Mint’s Due Diligence Activities comprise Know Your Customer, Know Your Agent and Know Your Supplier processes.
Due Diligence Compliance Activities Class of Record
Description: Includes records related to ensuring Know Your Customer legislative and policy compliance, including the deterrence of anti-money laundering and anti-terrorist financing and the responsible sourcing of precious metals, and liaison activities with regulators and/or law enforcement.
Document Types: Customer application forms, correspondence, compliance policies and procedures, briefing material, guidelines and manuals, risk assessments, third party contracts, open and closed source adverse media search reports, and audit reports.
Disclosure Summaries: Under development.
Record Number: RCM 1520-01
Due Diligence Compliance Activities Personal Information Bank
Description: This personal information bank describes information collected (and in some cases created) for the purpose of ensuring compliance with the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act (PCMLTFA); the Corruption of Foreign Public Officials Act (CFPOA) and their associated regulations as amended from time to time; the LBMA Responsible Gold Guidance and Responsible Silver Guidance; the Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition (EICC) and the Global e-Sustainability Initiative (GeSI) Conflict-Free Sourcing Initiative; and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Due Diligence Guidance on Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High Risk Areas’ Gold Supplement. Relevant transactions requiring customer, and in some instances third party, identification include the sale of precious metals as a Dealer of Precious Metals and Stones, refining services and/or storage of precious metals. Personal information may include: name, contact information, biographical and occupation information, authentic and current government identification documents from Canada or foreign governments, identification document photographs, identification number(s), financial and banking information, credit information, opinions about the individual, allegations of wrongdoing and criminal activity, recognized sanctions list screening, date of birth and signature.
Class of Individuals: General public and the Mint’s customers, agents and suppliers.
Purpose: Information is obtained for the purpose of compliance with the Mint’s Due Diligence Activity requirements and reporting obligations under applicable legislation and industry requirements for responsible sourcing of precious metals and related guidance as detailed above. This ensures that the Mint does not transact business with, or involving, individuals who are suspected of being engaged in money laundering, fraud and/or terrorist activities or who engage in bribery, corruption or operate mining facilities that contribute to conflict or human rights abuses consistent with the OECD Due Diligence Guidance on Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High Risk Areas’ Gold Supplement.
Consistent Uses: Names of individuals may be screened against the list of names of known or suspected terrorists as defined in the Criminal Code and the United Nations Resolutions and may be subject to open and closed source adverse media searches and international sanctions lists. Personal information as prescribed by the PCMLTFA Regulations may be shared with FINTRAC; refer to Money Services Business (MSB) Registration, Bank Number: FINTRAC PPU 027; Compliance of Reporting Entities, Bank Number: FINTRAC PPU 028; Financial Analysis and Disclosures, Bank Number: FINTRAC PPU 020. The Mint may disclose to the appropriate law enforcement agencies any information of which it becomes aware in exercising its compliance functions and that it suspects on reasonable grounds would be relevant to investigation or prosecuting an offence under the PCMLTFA arising out of a contravention of Part 1 or 1.1. Any disclosure of this information to the RCMP would be to personal information banks: RCMP PPU 005 – Operational Case Records, RCMP PPU 015 – Criminal Operational Intelligence Records, or RCMP PPU 025 – National Security Investigations Records. Information may also be used for internal audit purposes and disclosed to contracted third parties for this purpose. Other disclosures may occur to contracted third parties for banking reference checks and out-of-country customer verifications.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Records are kept for 5 years after the transaction and then destroyed.
RDA Number: 2000/027
Related Record Number: RCM 1520
TBS Registration: 20220039
Bank Number: RCM PPU 016
Intellectual Property Management
Intellectual Property Management involves activities related to the creation, protection, licencing, monitoring and enforcement of intellectual property belonging to the Mint.
Intellectual Property, Copyright and Royalties Class of Record
Description: Includes records related to copyright in works, trademarks, industrial designs, patents, patentable inventions, and know-how.
Document Types: Agendas, records of decisions, letters, application forms in connection with requests for licences for use of the Mint’s intellectual property, coin images.
Disclosure Summaries: No personal information disclosed to third parties via contracts, information sharing agreements, and information sharing arrangements.
Record Number: RCM 1520
Mental Health Peer Support
The Mental Health Peer Support Program (MHPSP) is part of the Mint's larger employee wellbeing strategy. It engages employees with lived experience of mental health issues, as a survivor or a caregiver, who have participated in the recovery process to support other employees who are struggling with their mental health.
Mental Health Peer Support Program Class of Record
Description: The MHPSP is designed to help employees build connections, develop supportive relationships in the workplace and access the community services that they need to work through their own recovery.
Document Types: Procedures, checklists, time sheets, peer and peer supporter consent forms, training material.
Disclosure Summaries: No personal information disclosed to third parties via contracts, information sharing agreements, and information sharing arrangements.
Record Number: RCM 750
Mental Health Peer Support Personal Information Bank
Description: This bank describes information about individuals participating in the MHPSP as Peers or as Peer Supporters. The objective of the MHPSP is to help mitigate and improve an individual’s mental health issue/illness by developing a trusted relationship between a Peer who is seeking assistance with their mental health and a colleague (Peer Supporter) who has lived a similar experience and can offer one-on-one support and lessons learned. The personal information may include name, contact information, biographical information, medical and health information, signature, photos, language capabilities, training records and opinions and views of individuals.
Class of Individuals: RCM employees participating in the MHPSP.
Purpose: The purpose of the collection of personal information is for the administration of the MHPSP. Personal information is collected under the authority of sections 122.1, 122.2, and 125(1) of the Canada Labour Code, and 17 and 19 of the Royal Canadian Mint Act.
Consistent Uses: The information may be used for the following consistent uses: program evaluation/effectiveness and reporting to senior management. Limited personal information use within the scope of the MHPSP is described in Standard Personal Information Bank PSE 907 Occupational Health and Safety and in PSE 905 Training and Development. Personal information may be shared with authorities (e.g. 911) in the event of an emergency situation arising from information shared under the scope of the MHPSP.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Two years from the last administrative action.
RDA Number: 2000/027
Related Class of Record Number: RCM 750
TBS Registration: 20240037
Bank Number: RCM PPU 018
Last Updated: April 2024
Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are management and oversight services, communications services, legal services, human resources management services, financial management services, information management services, information technology services, real property services, materiel services, acquisition services, and travel and other administrative services. Internal services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.
Acquisition Services
Acquisition services involve activities undertaken to acquire a good or service to fulfill a properly completed request (including a complete and accurate definition of requirements and certification that funds are available) until entering into or amending a contract.
Communications Services
Communications services involve activities undertaken to ensure that Government of Canada communications are effectively managed, well-coordinated and responsive to the diverse information needs of the public. The communications management function ensures that the public—internal or external—receives government information, and that the views and concerns of the public are taken into account in the planning, management and evaluation of policies, programs, services and initiatives.
Financial Management Services
Financial management services involve activities undertaken to ensure the prudent use of public resources, including planning, budgeting, accounting, reporting, control and oversight, analysis, decision support and advice, and financial systems.
Human Resources Management Services
Human resources management services involve activities undertaken for determining strategic direction, allocating resources among services and processes, as well as activities relating to analyzing exposure to risk and determining appropriate countermeasures. They ensure that the service operations and programs of the federal government comply with applicable laws, regulations, policies and plans.
- Awards (Pride and Recognition) Class of Record
- Classification of Positions Class of Record
- Compensation and Benefits Class of Record
- Employment Equity and Diversity Class of Record
- Hospitality Class of Record
- Human Resources Planning Class of Record
- Labour Relations Class of Record
- Canadian Human Rights Act– Complaints Personal Information Bank
- Discipline Personal Information Bank
- Grievances Personal Information Bank
- Harassment Personal Information Bank
- Disclosure of Wrongdoing in the Workplace Personal Information Bank
- Values and Ethics Codes for the Public Sector and Organizational Code(s) of Conduct Personal Information Bank
- Occupational Health and Safety Class of Record
- Official Languages Class of Record
- Performance Management Reviews Class of Record
- Recruitment and Staffing Class of Record
- Applications for Employment Personal Information Bank
- Employee Personnel Record Personal Information Bank
- Personnel Security Screening Personal Information Bank
- Staffing Personal Information Bank
- Values and Ethics Codes for the Public Sector and Organizational Code(s) of Conduct Personal Information Bank
- Training and Development Class of Record
Information Management Services
Information management services involve activities undertaken to achieve efficient and effective information management to support program and service delivery; foster informed decision making; facilitate accountability, transparency and collaboration; and preserve and ensure access to information and records for the benefit of present and future generations.
Information Technology Services
Information technology services involve activities undertaken to achieve efficient and effective use of information technology to support government priorities and program delivery, to increase productivity, and to enhance services to the public.
Legal Services
Legal services involve activities undertaken to enable government departments and agencies to pursue policy, program and service delivery priorities and objectives within a legally sound framework.
Management and Oversight Services
Management and oversight services involve activities undertaken for determining strategic direction and allocating resources among services and processes, as well as those activities related to analyzing exposure to risk and determining appropriate countermeasures. They ensure that the service operations and programs of the federal government comply with applicable laws, regulations, policies or plans.
- Cooperation and Liaison Class of Record
- Executive Services Class of Record
- Internal Audit and Evaluation Class of Record
- Planning and Reporting Class of Record
Materiel Services
Materiel services involve activities undertaken to ensure that materiel can be managed by departments in a sustainable and financially responsible manner that supports the cost-effective and efficient delivery of government programs.
Real Property Services
Real property services involve activities undertaken to ensure that real property is managed in a sustainable and financially responsible manner, throughout its life cycle, to support the cost-effective and efficient delivery of government programs.
Travel and Other Administrative Services
Travel and other administrative services include Government of Canada travel services, as well as those other internal services that do not smoothly fit with any of the internal services categories.
The general subject files of the Mint contain a certain amount of personal information relating to general correspondence, complaints and enquiries. This information is not used for an administrative purpose and is normally retrievable only if specifics are provided concerning the subject, content and the date of the correspondence or record. The personal information contained in these classes may include an individual's name; home, business, mailing or email address; telephone number; account numbers; financial information; and personal opinions or views of the individual, but is not arranged, or intended to be retrieved by, personal identifiers. The retention period for these classes of personal information is controlled by the records schedules of the general subject files in which they are stored.
- Anti-Money Laundering – Anti-Terrorist Compliance Operational Procedures (Employee Handbook)
- Code of Conduct and Ethics
- Intellectual Property – Procedures
- Privacy Breach Directive
Additional Information
For general information about making a request for access to information or personal information, see Make an access to information or personal information request.
To make a request for information online, access the Access to Information and Personal Information Online Request Service.
To make a request for information under the Access to Information Act or the Privacy Act by mail, mail your letter or completed Access to Information Request Form (Access to Information Act) or Personal Information Request Form (Privacy Act), along with any necessary documents (such as consent or the $5 application fee for a request under the Access to Information Act), to the following address:
ATIP Coordinator
320 Sussex Drive
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0G8
In accordance with the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act, an area on the premises will be made available to review original materials on site if that is the applicant’s preference (and it is practical to do so), or if it is not practical to create copies of the material.
Please note: Each request made to the Mint under the Access to Information Act must be accompanied by an application fee of $5. For requests made online, this is paid at the time of application via credit card. For requests made by mail, this should be paid by enclosing cheque or money order made payable to the Royal Canadian Mint.
The Government of Canada encourages the release of information through requests outside of the formal request processes. To make an informal request, contact:
1-800-267-1871 (Canada, US & International)
from 8:30 am to 6 pm ET, Monday to Friday
You may also wish to search summaries of completed access to information requests for which the Mint has already provided responses, as this information may be more easily obtained.
The Mint conducts privacy impact assessments (PIAs) to ensure that privacy implications will be appropriately identified, assessed and resolved before a new or substantially modified program or activity involving personal information is implemented. Summaries of completed PIAs are available.
Page last updated: December 12, 2024