10 oz. Pure Silver Double-Concave Coin - Brown Bear: Nature's Grandeur Series
10 oz. Pure Silver Double-Concave Coin - Brown Bear: Nature's Grandeur Series
$999.95 CAD
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DOUBLE CONCAVE: Your 10 oz. pure silver coin is concave on both sides! Order today!
Whether you know it as the brown bear or the grizzly,the formidable Ursus arctos issynonymous with the Canada’s vast wilderness. It is a traditional symbol of wisdom and strength for many First Peoples of Canada—especially in British Columbia, which is home to a quarter of North America’s brown bear population. There, the salmon-catching bear plays a critical role in the health of our coastal forests, by dispersing marine-derived nutrients that link land and sea.
A 10 oz. double-concave coin like you’ve never seen before! Order today!
Special features:
- MORE THAN A YEAR IN THE MAKING! The twin-concave technology is the product of extensive research and development. Several prototypes were tested to achieve the highestamount of relief possible while ensuring a symmetrical curvature—a remarkable feat of engineering.
- A DOUBLE-CONCAVED COIN! Struck on a specially designed blank, your coin features a curved-shaped reverse and obverse.
- FIRST COIN IN A TWO-COIN SERIES! Your coin is the first in a two-coindouble-concave series: Nature’s Grandeur!
- ALSO AVAILABLE IN A TWO-COIN SUBSCRIPTION! While supplies last, order the Nature’s Grandeur 2-coinsubscription to ensure you receive both coins (Brown Bear, Wolves) in the series! Your credit card is charged only when your coin ships!
- UNPARALLELED BEAUTY! While the inward-curving shape pulls you into thedesign, your coin’s 60 mm diameter allowsfor an outstanding amount of finely engraved details.
- DOUBLE THE THICKNESS! This piece is twice as thick and weighs far more (311.5 g) than your average silver coin.
- CRAFTED FROM 10 OZ. 99.99% PURESILVER! Your coin has no GST/HST!
- LIMITED WORLDWIDE MINTAGE! Only 500 coins available worldwide!
Your concave-shaped coin provides a unique canvas for this wildlife portrait by Denis Mayer Jr. Seen in three-quarter view, a brown bear (Ursus arctos) splashes its way across a salmon-rich river in Western Canada. Against a mountain backdrop, the bear seemingly pauses mid-step to gaze at the viewer. Various finishes add depth to the inward-curving design, which also includes the word “CANADA”, the year “2019” and the face value of “100 DOLLARS”. The equally concave-shaped obverse features a concentric pattern of maple leaves and the effigy of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II by Susanna Blunt.
Your coin is enclosed in a double-concave capsule, so you can fully appreciate its shape and brilliant proof finish.
Order today!
Product Number
99.99% pure silver
311.5 g
60 mm
Face Value
100 dollars
Denis Mayer Jr. (reverse), Susanna Blunt (obverse)
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