Birthday Gift Set (2019)

Birthday Gift Set (2019)

$21.95 CAD

Birthday Gift Set (2019)

Steel 2019

Birthday Gift Set (2019)

Steel 2019
$21.95 CAD
Masters Club: 220 Status: CAN & US shipping only
Availability: Out of stock in stores



Product Number 170906

Composition three-ply nickel finish plated steel (outer ring); three ply brass finish plated alumnium bronze (inner core)
Weight 6.99 g
Diameter 28 mm
Edge interrupted serrations
Finish uncirculated

Composition three-ply brass plated steel
Weight 6.27 g
Diameter 26.5 mm
Edge plain
Finish uncirculated

Composition three-ply nickel finish plated steel
Weight 4.4 g
Diameter 23.88 mm
Edge serrated
Finish uncirculated

Composition three-ply nickel finish plated steel
Weight 1.75 g
Diameter 18.03 mm
Edge serrated
Finish uncirculated

Composition three-ply nickel finish plated steel
Weight 3.95 g
Diameter 21.2 mm
Edge plain
Finish uncirculated



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