Pure Silver Coin and Bar Set - Apollo 11 50th Anniversary
Pure Silver Coin and Bar Set - Apollo 11 50th Anniversary
$389.95 CAD
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WOW! Premium coin and bar set! Coin is from the United States Mint! Order today!
While American technological and political achievements are numerous, few are as resonant as the great Space Race of the 1960s. This included the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo space programs that reached their triumphant apex with the Apollo 11 mission that saw astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin land on the moon and their safe return, alongwith command module pilot Michael Collins, to Earth.
Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Apollo moon landing is really an attempt to capture the vibrant spirit of the Sixties and of the extraordinary achievements of America and Americans. The "one small step for man… one giant leap for mankind" celebrated with these commemorative issues, will live on as one of the most powerful and truly amazing moments ever achieved in human history.
Few moments in history capture the spirit of an age, or the energy and wonder possessed by a generation, like the Apollo 11 Moon Landing. Savvy collectors curate their collections to include unique or notable coins: odd denominations, issues with low mintage or limited availability, as well as coins that capture a moment in time and the achievements they represent. Notable coins like these, are the hallmarks andhighlights of the best collections.
WOW! Premium coin and bar set! Coin is from theUnited States Mint! Order today!
Special features:
- STUNNING! Perfect fusion of the design from coin to bar.
- THE ICONIC 'BUZZ ALDRIN ON THE MOON' PHOTOGRAPH! Thereflection in Aldrin's helmet includes astronaut Neil Armstrong, the United States flag, and the lunar lander.
- BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY CASE! Set comes in a magnetic holder and specially labeled box with leatherette.
- FUN MINTAGE! Yourcoin has a limited mintage worldwide of only 1,969;the year of the Apollo moon landing.
The common obverse of the Apollo 11 coin features the concave image of an American astronaut's boot print on the moon. It was designed by Maine artist Gary Cooper, who won the design competition. It was sculpted by U.S. Mint Engraver Joseph Menna. Inscriptions include "Mercury," "Gemini", "Apollo", "2019", "In God We Trust" and "Liberty," paying homage to the missions that proceeded the first successful moon landing as well as the country that launched it.
The common reverse of the Apollo commemorative coin featuresa modified representation of the famous July 20, 1969 photo of astronaut "Buzz" Aldrin on themoon. This imagery is taken from one of the most iconic pictures of the 20th Century. The photo shows the visor and helmet of Aldrin. In the convex reflection on Aldrin's visor, we can see fellow astronaut Neil Armstrong, the United States flag and the lunar module. The reverse design was sculpted by U.S.Mint Engraver Phebe Hemphill. Inscriptions include "United States of America," the denomination, and "E Pluribus Unum."
Did you know...
- The convex design is only the second time in United States Mint history that a curved coin has been struck. The first time was the exceedingly popular 2014 National Baseball Hall of Fame Commemorative Coins. The Apollo 11 50th Anniversary Commemorative Coin Program presented production challenges, due to not only the curvature of the coin design, butalso in its striking and achieving the proper metalflow, to fully realize the beauty and details of the design.
- The space race effectively began after John F.Kennedy's "We choose to go to the moon, not because it is easy, but because it is hard" speech given in Houston in 1961. In that speech, thePresident laid out his plan to land a man on the moon and return him to Earth, before the end of the Sixties. The Soviets had previously achieved the manned spaceflight milestone and were effectively leadingthe so-called "Space Race," when Kennedy declared one of the most epic efforts in the historyof mankind.
Your coin and bar set comes in a magnetic holder and specially labeled box with leatherette.
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Product Number
99.99% pure silver
89.5 g
80 x 50
Face Value
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