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What is it About the Maple Leaf, Anyway?

  • Feb 08, 2018
  • Canadiana
  • 5 minutes read

Re-tracing the history that inspired greatness for Canada’s national symbol

For the past half-century or so, stories have circulated about tourists stitching the Canadian flag onto their backpacks to benefit from the goodwill that is often directed at citizens from this friendly and welcoming land.

Interestingly, this practice seems to have coincided with the introduction of Canada’s new flag in 1965, and many could argue the international rise in the maple leaf’s fame was fuelled by the flag’s dynamic new design. The maple leaf was central. It was big, bold and red. And people took notice.


Re-tracing the history that inspired greatness for Canada’s national symbol

For the past half-century or so, stories have circulated about tourists stitching the Canadian flag onto their backpacks to benefit from the goodwill that is often directed at citizens from this friendly and welcoming land.

Interestingly, this practice seems to have coincided with the introduction of Canada’s new flag in 1965, and many could argue the international rise in the maple leaf’s fame was fuelled by the flag’s dynamic new design. The maple leaf was central. It was big, bold and red. And people took notice.
