Minting Our Thanks
- Jul 09, 2020
- Celebrate
- 5 minutes read

Rigoberto | Bus Operator, OC Transpo
At first, I was very worried about my family’s safety and concerned that I could possibly transmit the virus to them. I consider myself very lucky to have a job though, and still be able to provide for my family during this uncertain time.
I have had many passengers extend their thanks to me for working throughout the pandemic and it means a great deal to me, as it shows the togetherness needed to get through this time.
Though working through this time has had its challenges, I appreciate the Royal Canadian Mint recognizing my efforts and those of all essential workers.
Linda | Registered Nurse, Queensway Carleton Hospital
Our COVID-19 Testing Centre opened in March, and I really wanted to be more involved and join the fight, so volunteered to work there. It has been very fulfilling and satisfying, as I feel like I am a small piece in the huge puzzle of defeating this virus.
The patients and families are enormously grateful and appreciative of what we are doing. We’re always hearing “thank you,” and one lady told us that we are “wonderful.” I am not looking for a pat on the back, but every so often you hear that and it really lifts you up. The team has really come together too. Doctors, nurses, registration clerks, cleaners, security guards, ward aides, everyone has come together because of this common goal. It really makes me feel good.
It’s awesome that the Mint has created this Recognition Medal. Absolutely awesome. It’s really wonderful to be recognized and valued this way, and it’s really an honour. This medal will be a treasured keepsake that can be passed down to your kids. It’s quite amazing.

Scott | Platoon Chief, Ottawa Fire Services
It’s been a daunting task for firefighters throughout this pandemic. Wearing proper PPE at all times can be cumbersome while performing CPR and responding to medical emergencies. Our decontamination unit has been extremely busy as they are needed after every call before our firefighters can go back into service. As well, station life has changed drastically with new distancing procedures being followed.
The Royal Canadian Mint recognizing frontline workers is quite admirable. A lot of sacrifices have been made to battle this virus, not only at work, but with our family life as well.
After reading their stories, the need to recognize the efforts and sacrifices of frontline heroes becomes very clear. Thank someone that has impacted your life during this challenging time with the 2020 Recognition Medal. With all net proceeds going to the Breakfast Club of Canada to support children and families who are facing food insecurity, this medal is the perfect way to show your appreciation.